
비빔국수 | Spicy Buckwheat Noodles

Party Box 3

Yubu Art
$3 - $4
About us
Welcome to Baro Gimbap in Fullerton, your neighborhood source for fresh and delicious Korean food. We are known for our quality gimbap and bunsik food items, which are perfect for social gatherings. Be sure to check out our catering page for more information about our party boxes.

Our Menu
김밥 | Gimbap
돼지불고기김밥 | Spicy Pork Gimbap
고보김밥 | Gobo Gimbap
오뎅김밥 | Odeng Gimbap
참치김밥 | Tuna Gimbap
멀치김밥 | Anchovy Gimbap
계란말이김밥 | Egg Gimbap
무수비 | Spam Musubi
키도김밥 | Kito Gimbap
꼬마김밥 | Mini Gimbap
김치말이숮불김밥 | Kimchi Gimbap
숮불고기김밥 | Bulgogi Gimbap
진미오징어채김밥 | Seasoned Dried Squid Gimbap
소세지김밥 | Sausage Gimbap
스팸김밥 | Spam Gimbap
유부아트 | Yubu Art
포케튜나 | Spicy Poke Tuna
포케살몬 | Spicy Poke Salmon
참치매요 | Tuna Mayo
명란매요 | Roe Mayo
숮불고기 | Beef Bulgogi
돼지불고기 | Spicy Pork Bulgogi
멀치 아몬드 | Anchovy Almond
에그매요 | Egg Mayo
과카몰레크랩 | Guacamole Crab
김치스팸 | Kimchi Spam
치킨 | Chicken
매콤불닭 | Spicy Chicken
진미채 아몬드 | Seasoned Squid
불멸치 아몬드 | Spicy Anchovy Almond
국수 & 만두 | Noodles & Dumplings
잔치국수 | Banquet Noodles
비빔국수 (소면 or 메밀) | Spicy Mixed Noodles or Spicy Buckwheat Noodles
들기름 막국수 | Perilla Oil Mixed Noodles
열차 (우동 or 메밀) | Udon or Buckwheat Noodles
메밀국수 | Cold Buckwheat Noodle
낫또메밀 | Natto Soba
쫄면 | Spicy Chewy Noodle
해장랴면 (마라라면) | Ramen
굴탕면 | Spicy Oyster Soup
육전밀면 (비빔 or 물) | Yukon Mi Myun
만두 (고기, 김치, or 튀김) | Dumpling (Beef, Kimchi, or Fried)
김말이 | Dumbbells
왕고추튀김 | King Pepper Dumpling (1pc or 3pcs)
꼬막 비빔밥 | Cockle Bibimbap
콤보 | Combos
잔치국수 김밥 콤보 | Banquet Noodle Gimbap Combo
잔치국수 김밥/튀김 콤보 | Banquet Noodle Gimbap/Fritter Combo
육전밀면 김밥 콤보 | Yukjun Mil Myun Gimbap Combo
육전밀면 튀김 콤보 | Yukjun Mil Myun Fritter Combo
김밥, 떡벆이, 튀김 콤보 | Kimbap, Tteokbokki, Fritter Combo
떡벆이 튀김 콤보 | Tteokbokki and Fritter Combo